Connie Milligan

Transformational Life Coach


Hello Friends,

I am offering therapy and transformational life coaching on confidential, secure, individualized and private Zoom links. It has been a surprisingly easy and effective solution for social distancing and has the additional benefit of being very convenient as the app can be downloaded on your phone, ipad or computer. My clients are actually loving it and some want to continue with services like this indefinitely.

As long as Centered is operating with the precautions of masks and extra sanitation in place, I will continue to offer my services via the Zoom platform. (You just can’t do this work with a mask on!) When business fully reopens, I will be back in my office or continue with Zoom as people want.

In the meantime, If you are interested in exploring my services please see my website for more information. You are welcome to reach out to me directly through my on-line Free Consultation link or email, This is a wonderful time to explore what wants to change in your life and I’d be honored to work with you!

To your health and wellbeing!

XO Connie

Connie Milligan, LCSW


After a long career in mental health as a therapist and Executive Corporate Director, Connie became discouraged by what was happening in the field. She began seeking change. She wanted her inner and outer life to be a more authentic reflection of her values and beliefs, and she wanted her professional and personal life to be more soul satisfying. This launched years of study and exploration of new treatment modalities along with personal and spiritual soul searching. Her interest in the metaphysical realm has led her down a personal path of exploration that has resulted in huge shifts in her clinical orientation and wonderful joy in her personal life. Connie’s decision to become a Transformational Life Coach was very intentional. She wanted to expand and refocus her clinical expertise with the positive, potential-based tools of Transformational Life Coaching. This is a dynamic, life-affirming change process, different from counseling, which starts with a focus on negative symptoms and diagnostics. Transformational Life Coaching relies on the Hermetic Principles and encourages you to find and utilize your strengths and achieve your greatest good. It is designed to create personal internal change that generates positive external manifestation. She has been honored for her work with many awards, written numerous articles and provided extensive state and national training and consultation. On a recent trip to Africa Connie discovered her own spiritual lineage and she is currently learning more.

As a Transformational Life Coach, she currently puts her years of study and experience to use by offering workshops, classes and coaching for individuals, groups and couples. Connie offers free phone (or Skype) consultations to all new clients. You don’t have to be local to Central Kentucky to work with her, and she offers a sliding scale to fit any budget. Contact Connie to schedule a session OR to discuss whether this is the right step for you.

Pricing: 60 minutes for between $80-$125. Packages available.

For Scheduling: 859-806-8910 or




Please email us anytime! We are happy to schedule a phone chat to discover more about you, your organization, or project. Our team and offerings are customizable to meet your group's needs.


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